Support Metanoia for 2023!

We love Metanoia and hope to be able to continue this work in the future, but to do this we need your help. Metanoia does not run for profit and we rely solely on our supporters’ donations for the management of this platform. Your donation helps contribute to the maintenance of the website, marketing costs, paying contributors, and our ability to host events and share about our content in person.

With your help, next year we can grow, while continuing to provide work like this: 

  • 40 articles from 30 different contributors

  • A growing social media platform with weekly polls and engagement

  • Bimonthly newsletters being disseminated to a list of over 250 subscribers

  • Top posts with over 2000 views

  • A passionate editorial team supported by excellent regular contributors

Financial contributions to Metanoia, of any amount, help to both encourage our team and to keep the lights on. If you’re able to give financially, here are three options:

  • A once off donation - this will help us to cover the annual cost of our website so that we can keep publishing for another year.

  • Irregular donations - these could be donations when you’ve got the extra cash or when you want to show your appreciation for something that we’ve done. These types of donations will help contribute to ongoing costs throughout the year, as well as inject some funds into our marketing and growth ideas.

  • Regular support - we’d love to invite you to join our supporters network on a regular basis. This can be through giving any amount through a regular weekly or monthly payment. Supporters like this help to give us stability so that we are able to pay for regular contributions to our platform, whether that be around social media or articles on the website.

All three of these ways of giving are incredibly valuable to us. If you love what Metanoia does as much as we do, please consider donating in one of these three ways.

We are receiving donations by direct bank transfer into our Metanoia bank account: 03-0259-0323300-002. Please use your name (or leave blank if anonymous) and “supporter” as a reference so that we can connect your payment with your response to the form below.


And if you can’t give financially, don’t worry! There are other ways that you can support Metanoia’s work. The best thing you can do is to share things you love! Every time you share content you make happen the Metanoia vision of starting great conversations about issues of contemporary life and Christian faith in Aotearoa New Zealand.


Poem: Core Samples


Is Ecclesiastes Really a Book of Hopelessness?