Metanoia supporters help us do what we do.
Metanoia does not run for profit and relies solely on our supporters’ donations for the management of this platform. Your donation helps contribute to the maintenance of the website, marketing costs, paying contributors, and our ability to host in-person events.
If you’re a supporter of Metanoia’s mission we’d love you to consider giving a donation today. Every little bit helps, from $1 to $100! Please get in touch with the team if you’d like to make a regular contribution rather than just a one-off. Supporting Metanoia in this way helps to cover our ongoing costs and would have a significant impact on our work.
We are receiving donations by direct bank transfer into our Metanoia bank account: 03-0259-0323300-002. Please use your name and “supporter” as a reference so that we can connect your payment with your response to the form below.