Poetry: In Search of Shalom / En Busca De Shalom
A poem reflecting on God’s action of shalom and liberation amidst race, colonisation, and theology.
Civil Disobedience and Christianity
Civil disobedience and the Christian faith have gone hand-in-hand frequently throughout modern history. Jaimee van Gemerden reflects on some of these stories to ask about the types of things we as the church in Aotearoa are called to.
“But Your English is So Good!” An Interview on Racism in Aotearoa
An interview with Stephanie Chan 陈雪莹 reflecting on her experiences growing up in New Zealand society and church as a Chinese-New Zealand, reflecting particularly on what effects the centring of whiteness can have on people of colour.
Things to Read On Race, Christianity, and Aotearoa
A reading list and call for contributions in response to the murder of George Floyd and #BLACKLIVESMATTER.