Christians Deserve Consent
Jess Hall and Cirũ Mũriũki reflect on the need for the trust and relationship brought by consent when having vulnerable conversations in the church.
Going Home? A Question of Paakehaa Belonging
Meditating on her travels, Jaimee van Gemerden shares her thoughts on “going home” and ponders questions of belonging for Pākehā.
From Kiwi to Paakehaa: My Journey So Far
Hazel Dunn shares her experiences of identity, whakapapa, and belonging as a Pākehā New Zealander.
A Christian Response to Waitangi
In this adapted sermon from Waitangi Day, Stu McGregor reflects on the constant breaches of te Tiriti as ongoing events which require repentance.
God, a Human: The Fantastic Absurdity
A profound reflection on the absurdity of Christmas: God, born a human.
“Till We Have Built Jerusalem”: Human Flourishing and the Built Environment
In this detailed analysis, Tim Jacomb addresses a deficiency he identifies within the western church: how our built environment shapes collective wellbeing.
Chronic Illness and Faith: A Crate of Complexity
In this honest reflection, Cara Adler explores the tensions and difficulties of holding onto faith through chronic illness.
Changes Ahead?
Steven Goulstone reflects on questions, doubts, difficulties, and joys of finding faith today.
The Covid Fatigued Church: Have We Missed the Moment?
Caleb Tangaroa Haurua offers an urgent, pastoral word to churches as we recover from the ongoing pandemic: who are we as a church, and how might God be leading us to change and grow?
‘Welcome to Hospice’: Working as a Chaplain at the End of Life
Graeme Chamberlain shares his experiences working as a chaplain within a hospice centre.
Are we Singing “Just” Songs, or Just Songs?
Mitchell Youngs reflects on the theme of justice within Old Testament worship to ask the question: why do we rarely sing of God’s justice in the way the Bible demonstrates?
How Megachurches Further Political Agendas
Drawing off insights from political theory, Shalomy Sathiyaraj examines how megachurch culture both forms and shapes a politics of control and hegemony.
Liturgising My Little Life
Grace Paddison reflects on her recent practice of composing short, everyday liturgies to help ground and centre herself in the midst of the worries, boredom, or joys life often brings.
Why We’re Destroying the Church By Trying to Defend It
Michael Frost reflects how defensive Christian responses to abuses of power within church communities hinder the church’s public witness rather than help it.
Celebrating Pride, Countering Shame: The Importance of Pride (Month) for Queer Christians
Olivia Yates shares about what Pride means to her as a queer Christian and how, despite the ongoing marginalisation of the LGBTQIA+ community, it can break the cycles of shame and rejection that many queer Christians face.